Thursday, September 30, 2010

River Oaks Open House

Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who came out yesterday to the River Oaks Open House. It was really great meeting all of you and I look forward to working with you this school year. I also thank you for your patience on the night as I was quite busy trying to meet everyone and understand that some of you had to wait a bit to get a chance to talk to me. I hope that some of the things put up around the room were able to distract you/hold your attention long enough until I was free to chat.

Ms. Philipson and I also apologize that we never got around to talking about the blog assignment. With so many parents to meet, we completely lost track of time. Perhaps it was a bit ambitious of us to schedule that into the open house. If you're still looking for information on it (on top of what was sent home in the letter), and/or have concerns, you can feel free to contact me at my email and we can set up a meeting.

Again thank you so much for the warm welcome.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Pizza Party on Monday

The class pizza party that we earned from getting our introductory forms in first, will occur this coming Monday.

So students of my class, you may not want to bring a huge lunch, but you can feel free to bring other snacks with you if you'd like (i.e. chips).

For those with allergy concerns, River Oaks gets their pizza from Martino's across the street, who ensure that no peanuts are used in pizza pie creation. Both pepperoni and cheese, and just cheese options will be available. 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Social Studies and Math Assignments

Today we began working on two different assignments. I thought I'd fill you in on both.

1. Social Studies Project on Afghanistan

Students have been organized into groups to create a presentation around a specific topic about Afghanistan. These topics include people, trade, history, geography, current events, and culture. Each topic is associated with a unique and creative way to present the information to their classmates. Students will be given time in class to work on their topic, however some work will need to be completed out of school. The tentative due date for this project is next Tuesday, September 28. I say it's tentative because I want to see how much work gets done and if more time is needed to make an outstanding finished product.

I've attached a link to where I've uploaded a copy of the project information package that was given out today.


2. Data Management - Survey Assignment

Students were paired up and asked to think of a theme (e.g. sports, food, movies, or something more specific) to create a survey around. Their survey must be 10 questions in length. When they've finished creating their survey, they will go around the class and have their classmates take their survey, recording the results in a tally chart. Lastly, they will present their findings by bar graph (for each survey question).

The due date for this assignment is next Monday, September 27. They will be given the rest of the math periods this week in order to complete the assignment in class.

Again, I've uploaded the assignment overview.


Monday, September 13, 2010

Daily Agenda

Starting from now on, I'll try to get into a habit of posting the night's homework on my school webpage. I've posted Monday's homework there right now.

Also, just a heads up, on Friday, we're going to be watching a short biography clip on Terry Fox and talking about the meaning of the run and the importance of it. I've embedded the clip for you to check out.

Friday, September 10, 2010

A Great First Week

Just wanted to say that my first week at River Oaks has been a tremendous experience. My class is amazing (don't you go getting swelled heads now), and I couldn't be happier.

Just a few items to update you on.

Our class was the first class in the entire school to get all of their beginning of the year forms in, which means that we've earned ourselves a pizza party sometime in the future. Stay tuned for the exact date, I've got to figure that out with the administration.

We had a fun filled first week that included a scavenger hunt on Thursday morning. Some of the creativity I saw was amazing. Items on the list included a "neanderthal man," a "brontosaurus rib," and a "trilobite fossil."

Next week we will begin our social studies unit on Canada's Links to the World, on top of carrying on with our Gordon Korman read aloud in language and the data analysis of our multiple intelligence surveys in math.

Also beginning next week will be the weekly reading log. Students will receive this reading log (in a duotang) on Monday, however if you want to grab a sneak peak check out my web page where I've got a copy posted. Essentially, students will be asked to read for 20 minutes, 5 out of the 7 nights of the week. They will record what they read and have parents sign off on it each week. To ensure everyone has reading material, Monday mornings will become our library time where students can sign out a book if they desire.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

How to Access Your Blog


1. Go to the "Kidblog" main page, which is located here.
2. Sign in using the username and password that Mr. Otten or Ms. Philipson has given you.
3. Go ahead and start blogging, it's THAT easy!

UPDATE: The blogging will kick off in the next few weeks, but as of yet, the students have not received their log-ins and passwords. Stay tuned.


Welcome everyone to my blog!

I hope (and trust) everyone had a fantastic summer, but it's that time of year again...time to head back to school.

As you may (or may not) know, I'm the new Grade 6 teacher at River Oaks Public school. I'm really looking forward to working at River Oaks and can't wait for the year to get started.

Just to give you a heads up, most class activity/information will be updated on this blog. However, if I need to upload something for you to download (information sheet, assessments, projects), it will go to my class web page which is located HERE.

Perhaps the thing that I'm most excited about is that Ms. Philipson and I have designed a year long project that will see each of our students design and maintain their own blogs. Essentially, every two weeks, our students will be asked to make a post concerning different ideas. However, our obvious hope is that each student will fall in love with the idea of having a blog and make posts all the time and not just when assigned. Over at my web page (look above for the link), you can find a rubric which will be used to assess each blog at different intervals of the school year. This blog will make up a large portion of the IT mark on each student's report card.

Stay tuned for direct instructions on how to start up your own blog!