Tuesday, October 5, 2010

International Organizations Exhibit

Today in Social Studies we have started our latest project/assignment.

Students have selected (through a draw) an international organization (examples being The Red Cross, Right to Play, NATO, etc) that Canada has ties with. They will research and create an exhibit on a bulletin board with what they have found. As a class, we will then have an exhibit where students will get the opportunity to discuss and share their organization with their classmates. The assignment will by both myself and their classmates.

I've attached the information package about the assignment for you to download. To download, select the option on the right of the page that says "free account option - slow download." You may have to wait a minute.


The due date is tentatively scheduled for over a week from now, but the students have been informed that the date is flexible depending on how they work and what they're able to accomplish. Class time will be allotted to complete this, HOWEVER, the majority of this assignment will have to be done at home. Most of the research for this will need to be done using the internet, and unfortunately we don't have access to the computer lab every day...nor do we have enough computers in our room. Also, the design and completion of the bulletin board itself is probably best suited for home so that it does not get damaged from traveling back and forth.

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