Task Description:
Using three copies of the “Food Diary: What Have I Eaten?” activity sheet, you will keep a food record for three days, including one weekend day. This is so you can analyze your eating habits.
The Reflection:
After recording your food intake for three days, you will write a reflection that should answer the following questions:
Ø Did you eat foods from all the food groups?
Ø Did you have three meals each day?
Ø At each meal, did you have something from at least three of the food groups?
Ø Did your snack choices represent foods from one or more of the food groups?
Ø How did you classify combination foods (for example pizza)?
Ø Were your food choices ‘everyday foods’ most of the time?
Ø For each food group, did you eat a variety of choices or the same ones?
Ø What did you eat differently on the weekend day?
The Plan:
You will set a personal goal for improving or maintaining your eating habits, based on what you have observed and analyzed. Brainstorm ways that you can meet this goal.
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