Saturday, November 20, 2010

Food Diary Project for Healthy Living

On Friday, the students received a project for Healthy Living called a Food Diary. This project is one that will have to be completed both at home, and at school. It's due next Friday, November 26. Here are the project details.

Task Description:
Using three copies of the “Food Diary: What Have I Eaten?” activity sheet, you will keep a food record for three days, including one weekend day. This is so you can analyze your eating habits.

The Reflection:
After recording your food intake for three days, you will write a reflection that should answer the following questions:

Ø      Did you eat foods from all the food groups?
Ø      Did you have three meals each day?
Ø      At each meal, did you have something from at least three of the food groups?
Ø      Did your snack choices represent foods from one or more of the food groups?
Ø      How did you classify combination foods (for example pizza)?
Ø      Were your food choices ‘everyday foods’ most of the time?
Ø      For each food group, did you eat a variety of choices or the same ones?
Ø      What did you eat differently on the weekend day?

The Plan:
You will set a personal goal for improving or maintaining your eating habits, based on what you have observed and analyzed. Brainstorm ways that you can meet this goal. 

Just one more note, the students will need to fill out the food diary sheets for three days (as it mentioned above). However, one of these days must be a weekend day in order to compare eating habits on the weekend, to eating habits during the week (at school).

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